Sersar #01 - Apocalypse

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Warning: This is probably not something you want to read if you're squeamish, dislike extreme fetishist sexual material, or cannot stand macro-based things. This is easily the most sadistic and cruel story I've ever written, and I only write this sort of thing when I am in a very specific mood. I started writing this to explore some of the darker kinks I've taken an interest in over the years, and it may or may not be continued, if the mood strikes me. No further warnings about the contents will be given...

"So, you want to know my past..." The un-winged dragon says, shaking his head, "Well, it's no fairy tale. But, you asked, and I have no right to deny anyone's request. So I suppose I'll tell you, but don't say I didn't warn you about this...

"It started about... a year ago? It might have been closer to two by now. Regardless, it seems like it's been a hellacious eternity. One that I can only wish would end. Back when I actually had a home, I was the guardian of the entire tribe. My memory from that far back is fuzzy, but I do remember a ceremony, and a tradition... I apparently was destined for the job.

"The job was easy, really. Occasionally some wild dogs or something would give us a hard time, but that was really about it. We were 'allies of everyone, enemies of none', as we liked to say. I was the only defense we had; I was the only defense we needed. We had it easy, since we got everything from trade... perhaps too easy. Maybe that day was just punishment for us getting so much for doing so little. I don't know, not that knowing would make the reality any less dismal.

"When... it... came, the day was just another ordinary day up until then. A few clouds were up in the sky, but other than that, the weather was perfect. I was out on patrol, doing my best to stay out of sight, on the off-chance something did happen. That's when I heard a sound like the distant thunder. I looked up at the sky for some sign of an approaching storm, but there was nothing for me to see. I would have dismissed it if I didn't hear it again. Then again, louder.

"I was about to run back and tell someone when I felt the ground starting to rumble from that thunder. I still couldn't see out of the cover very well, as I was in the forests near the village, but I knew something was very wrong. Nothing natural could ever cause something like that. Soon the rumbling was enough to knock me off my feet, too harsh for me to even try to stand up. Whatever this was, there was no way I was going to get away from it now.

"That's when I saw the shadow of something pass overhead. It looked... somehow familiar. Almost like... no, it couldn't be one of us dragons, I thought, staring up at the shadow. Through the cover of the trees, though, all I could see was a shape, and darkness. It soon passed, and the rumbling grew quieter... I realized that whatever that thing was, it was heading for our village, and I had to stop it. I flew quickly as I could, but it got there long before I could.

"By the time I got there, I was shocked at the sight... a quarter of the village - my home - was in ruins, buildings reduced to litlte more than splinters at some unearthly force. I continued to look, and saw craters in the ground, most of which had at least one of my people in it, and some had several. That's when I looked up further, and saw the cause of the mayhem.

"I... knew, somehow, he was one of us, or had been, just from that shadow. But I hadn't realized he was now a towering one-hundred-fifty feet tall, twenty-five times larger than the average member of our tribe. To him, we were less than three inches tall. We were insects. And he apparently was enjoying the thought, as I noticed his erection between his legs, easily twice the size of any of us on the ground below.

"When I looked back to the ground below and watched his steps, I noticed just how deliberate he was being, making sure every time he placed a foot onto the ground, someone or something was crushed into oblivion beneath it. I could feel the ground shaking with each stomp. I could hear the screams of people having their life crushed out of them I could almost taste the blood and fear of my people even from the distance I was standing at..." The dragon pauses and growls, "I should have done something. Anything. At least gotten myself killed then, if not save the people.

"But I was entranced. I watched, unable to do anything but stare wide-eyed as he continued to crush buildings, people, some of the blood spilling into the lake, our main source of water. He continued to stroke himself. a bit of pre coming from the tip of his shaft, though he grinned as another idea came to mind. He positioned himself so his tip was pointing right at the few buildings remaining, with several people hidden within. I stepped forward a bit, watching, expecting him to climax and coat the buildings in white.

"However... he had other ideas, I soon realized. The buildings were soon washed away, but not in a flood of white, but gold. He simply urinated upon what was left standing, and drowned those few that were still alive, giving them a hot, stinging bath before their air ran out. That's when I noticed the grin on his face, and that he was looking right at me... the hot stream was aiming right for me, and soon hit me in the chest, sending me backwards as I tried to avoid the fate of the others.

"I quickly learned he had other plans. The flow stopped before the level of fluid could get above my head, though I was allowed to stay there for several moments as he walked closer, thunderous steps shaking me to my bones... I tried to move, but the heat was relaxing my muscles too much to even allow me to shift about, much less try to get away. He continued to grin even as he walked closer, then placed one of his bloodstained toes atop me, pressing down slowly.

"Though I was hoping for death, there was... something about this... something... unusual. I started to lick the blood off of the toe, letting out sounds I didn't even know I could make. It was like I'd been given an unspoken order to, but was willing." He shudders at that, "This day is still too clear in my mind. I can still taste the blood of the ones he crushed, mixed with the other tastes of earth, and even of the 'pool' I was laying in.

"He waited until I had finished that one toe, then pulled the entire foot away, letting me see that evil grin of his again, past his erection. He moved his foot down my body, pressing that toe on my chest, than stomach, just letting me feel its presence. As he rubbed down between my legs, though, the unusual feelings I had were quickly explained... I too was fully erect, and he rubbed that toe firmly up and down my length, sending shivers of pleasure through me.

"Did I actually enjoy the sight before me? Had I just gone insane from witnessing perhaps five hundred of my kind die? Perhaps. I still don't know. I do know that he seemed to like tormenting me with it, stroking me using that single toe. I didn't resist, and soon found myself thrusting into his movements, growling in pleasure. I climaxed quickly, and harder than I ever had before, sending every drop of my thick, hot seed against the toe.

"I could tell he was waiting for that, then moved his toe back over my face again, again silently demanding I clean it. I did, growling in pleasure at the taste, with his foot's scent changing the taste to something unique... exotic... I loved it. I wanted more of that taste, though there was no way I'd ever be able to offer more seed myself.

"Panting for breath, I closed my eyes, trying to recover my energy. I was spent after that. The giant had other plans, though, and I could feel myself being lifted into the air. Only when I felt myself pressed against something hard and hot did I open my eyes. He had pressed me against his hot length, throbbing with arousal... I started licking madly at it, as my head was pressed near his tip, causing him to let out a soft growl of pleasure.

"His other hand moved to stroke his shaft quickly, though he was almost careful with me. Occasionally his strokes forced my face closer to his tip, until I eventually found my muzzle pressed right into it, though I was free to pull back to breathe as I needed. I lost all track of time then. I don't know if this continued for a matter of seconds or the rest of the day.

"The next thing I can recall is hearing a sound like a storm from hell itself rushing by, as the titan climaxed, right onto my face, filling my muzzle instantly. He cupped his hand behind me, trapping me in place, coating me with his seed.. I could feel it flowing even into my lungs as I was covered, and knew that this would be the end.

"I was fading fast... That's when I heard the voice, almost like a breeze... the words were all incomphrensible, though I could feel some ancient power in them, something that most beings had forgotten aeons ago. I could hear just one word clearly before I passed into unconsciousness, embracing what I hoped was death... 'Sssearrrrssssarrrrr...' it said. Sersar. Since I can't even remember what name I had back before that day, I took it as my own name."

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